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A Gift Sent To Us by God

"Jim Woodford is a gift sent to us by God. Since meeting Jim we live with a heavenward perspective. It's so easy to live focused on the day to day life struggles but we have the hope of heaven. Jim's vivid details of heaven and message of hope in Jesus has so encouraged our walk [with the Lord]. His message calls us to the higher purpose of heaven. It is real!! And so is hell and what we do on earth really matters. Prayer really matters! He also offers so much hope for our loved ones, who may not have accepted Christ yet, to never give up."

-Kristie Walter


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Anne Wilkins
Jun 06, 2022

Indeed God is real. We wouldn't be here if He weren't, because He created us. ❤️


Dennis Cesario
Dennis Cesario
Feb 15, 2022

Your story made ME truly believe in that 40-foot tall being again! I was just wondering why YOU didn't touch HIS cloak, when YOU were so close? I almost was taken on a mission while serving with Marine Recon during the Vietnam War (1966-68) Even though your story and mine were different~ HE saved ME from extinction! As our six-man Recon team met up with over 5,000+ NVA and Viet Cong!! Thanx for sharing..


Kyle Chua-Unsu
Kyle Chua-Unsu
Aug 16, 2021

Jim‘s story is a wonderful reminder for us Christians in doubt that there is literally a light at the end of tunnel waiting for us— of love, peace, forgiveness, and purity. Jesus Christ is our Savior, and while here on earth, it is our mission to share His presence with our brothers and sisters. The kind and selfless acts we do, as Jim says, do have bearing. We may not fully understand and experience it yet, but there is a deep personal connection that God has with each and every one of us that I hope all Christians can nurture.


Mia Garnace
Mia Garnace
Aug 12, 2021

God is real

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